I took RideOn Route 47 from my office in Rockville to Bethesda. Route 47 winds south past Montgomery Mall before hooking back east to the Bethesda Metro. It was a great evening for a run, and after another unsanctioned pitstop at Starbucks, I took off for Van Ness. I was pumped for the new running playlist that I had put together on the bus ride down to Bethesda. I like routines (more on that in a later post) and I've got a running playlist of about 40 songs that I usually listen to in the exact same order. In fact, on my normal run on the Sligo Creek Trail near my apartment in Silver Spring, I know exactly where I should be when a certain song comes on if I'm maintaining the pace I want. (Of Montreal's "The Party's Crashing Us" comes on when I turn around at University Boulevard if I'm maintaining a 9:30/mile pace, for example.) But it was time to change things up, so I rearranged and added some songs and put together the playlist to the right.
I was so zoned out that when I got to Chevy Chase Circle and crossed into the District, I exited the Circle too soon and took Western Avenue out instead of following Connecticut Avenue out. I realized this... eventually... and checked the map on my phone to right my course back to Jon's apartment. I ended up taking Reno Drive most of the way, which is a nice quiet street that I'll probably use in the future. It's definitely less busy and I also found it to be a little less hilly than Connecticut. It took me about 33 minutes to get down to Jon's.
Saturday morning I got picked up by Roger's campaign manager Heather to meet everyone in Potomac for the Potomac Day Parade. It was a beautiful day, and the parade had a great turnout. It marked one year since our first real campaign event, and I feel just as good now about being part of Roger's campaign as I did then. I was grateful that Heather was able to pick me up and give me a ride back to Silver Spring - I could have ridden my bike but given that I had to get several things done that afternoon I was appreciative of the ride.
Saturday night Jon had box tickets to the Capitals game against the Atlanta Thrashers. I was psyched, since I'd never been to an NHL game before. It ended up being a great game: Alexander Semin recorded his fourth career hat trick and the Capitals won 4-3 in overtime. We took the metro both there and back - I forget that sometimes the metro actually is affordable. Since for once I found myself actually riding the metro during "reduced fare" hours, it only cost $1.60 each way.
The coming week is my last week of carlessness. Can't believe how quickly it's gone by.
I'm so excited that you love Glee!!! There was no episode last week and I was traumatized. p.s. the impending Rocky Horror Glee has been giving me mini O's in anticipation all week.